Blog Post

Traffic Offenders Programs 2021 Edition

Carla Velasquez • Apr 02, 2021

Confused about the TOP? 

Traffic Offenders Intervention Programs are courses which aim to provide participants with information and skills necessary to develop positive attitudes towards driving and encourage safer driving behaviours. 

We do not provide programs but can help point you in the right direction to find a program that is right for you. 

Successful engagement and completion of the program can assist you in getting a better result at your sentencing hearing. When sentencing a traffic offender the Magistrate will take your attendance at a traffic offenders program into account as it forms part of your punishment. 

Attendance at the program and genuine engagement shows that you are sorry for your offending behaviour and it contributes to minimising the likelihood of your re-offending. The program also gives you valuable safe driving strategies that you can use in your everyday life.

There are six week programs and one day programs to suit your schedule. 

Recommended Programs: 
  • S.A.V.E - Traffic Offender Intervention Program Website (Information Pamphlet)
  • Road Sense Australia Website (Information Pamphlet)
  • PCYC Marrickville (Information Pamphlet)
  • Traffic Offenders Rehabilitation Program.
  • Download an exhaustive list of Traffic Offenders Programs and Information HERE
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